More Overprints!

December 1929

A delay in receiving the German-printed Herrera issue in 1924 led to the local printing of the Herrera issue. The new printing went afoul of a revolution and poor quality, and was put away in storage. Towards the end of 1929 a shortage of 1 centavo stamps was forseen from the huge volume of New Year's cards. The home-brew Herrera's were overprinted and made available throughout the country by December 15.

Durón was active again and made sure varieties were produced to sell to his stamp dealer sidekicks in New York. He had even gone so far as to take some of the stamps in storage and in 1927 mailed covers to himself with the invalid stamps! Can't you hear him now screaming "Witch hunt! Fake News!"  No international catalog, except his sidekicks in New York, lists any varieties.

1929 Herrera
1929 Herrera


Herrera Cancels

 cover 6c Cover mailed from Tela, February 6, 1930 with BH50 cancel and CMc postmark

 cover never issued R certified cover mailed by Durón to Durón February 27, 1927 with BH50 from Amapala to Pespire. A rare and dubious local usage of an unissued stamp.

Early 1930 Overprints

Herrera overprint


Herrera cancels

Herrera cover Cover mailed from Puerto Cortés December 20, 1930 with BH50 cancel and ADM postmark

overprinted officialsr


BH50 cancels

La Paz cancels

CMS2 cancels

Molina cover
RM certified cover mailed in October, 1930 from Puerto Cortés with BH50 cancel

price 1930 early overprints -"A Black Surcharge Market" by Irving Green in Stamps, June 1943 pps. 452-3.
-Honduras Report by Richard Washburn The Oxcart, fall 1997 pps. 71-72.
-Honduras: the One Centavo Surcharge of 1929 by Henry Madden in Central American News Letter, October 1929 pps. 172-176.
7/24 copyright