Consular Stamps from 1932 to 2001
1932 ABNC All perforated 12 and 22 x 32mm
Design Type 2
1942 to 1949 ABNC Perforated 12 and 22 x 32mm.
Design Type 3
1986 to 1991 local overprint and roulette
Design Type 3
1993-2001 Design Type 4
1993 ABNC Perforated Type 4
1996 CBNC Perforated Type 4
2001 Thomas Greg perf 14 Type 4
-Catalog of Tax Stamps by A. Forbin Paris 1915 pps. 499-500.
-Primer Catálogo de Sellos Fiscales de Honduras por Edgardo Alegría Reichmann, Tegucigalpa, 2005.
-Revenues of Honduras by Joe Ross.