Documentary Stamps 1903

The PERMITASE control mark was stamped in Amapala over eight values of the 1897 and 1898 issue. (Type T2) Only violet ink was used. There doesn't seem to be the flood of fakes like in the postage stamps, but beware, many are out there. Remember a single stamp was used. If the PERMITASE looks any different, there is only one logical explanation.

1903 permitase 1903 permitase 2

1903 part 1 1903 part 2 ----------------------------------------
permitase prices
-Catalog of Tax Stamps by A. Forbin Paris 1915 pps. 499-500.
-Primer Catálogo de Sellos Fiscales de Honduras por Edgardo Alegría Reichmann, Tegucigalpa, 2005.
-Revenues of Honduras by Joe Ross.
-Image provided by Edgardo Alegría.

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