Renta de Timbre Revenue Stamps 1930-1958

1930 - Lithographed at Waterlow & Sons of London. Imperforate 55 x 25 mm.


1931 - ABNC Perf 12, 70 x 25 mm and 105 x 25mm. T9

R42 and R43

1931 - Control Marks over R18 to R22 by National Printing Works. T3. 80 x 25 mm.

r44 to r46

1931 Lithographed by American Bank Note Company. Imperforate and 70 x 25mm T10.

r54 to r56

1931 - Control marks over R2 and R3 T1

R58 to R61

1931 - Waterlow and Perf 12. T12

R62 to R73

1933 Control Signatures over
R1-R14 T1 and R54-R65 T12

These control signatures were applied for security reasons. The letter a is added to the catalog number to indicate that a control signature is present. R1a-R14a and R54a-R65a. Go HERE to find your specific signature and multiplier for pricing.

Class signatures
Signature examples

1940 - Control Mark over R17-R26 T3

R67 to R76
1951 - ABNC and Perf 12 T13.

R77 to R88

1958 Control Signatures over R77-R88 T13.

Class A signatures 1958

To price R77a through R88a of 1958, first find the price of the base stamp listed below. Then find your signature and multiplier from the chart that follows:.

Class A signatures 1958

For example the 3c R79a above has a used base value of $5 for the R79. The signature page displays a multiplier of 4 for Juan Zelaya. Thus the final price of a used R79a Zelaya is $20.

renta prices
Anderson Collection.
Primer Catálogo de Sellos Fiscales de Honduras by Edgardo Alegría Reichmann, Tegucigalpa, 2005.
Revenues of Honduras by Joe Ross.
